Malware Owl   (◎▼◎)

Malware Owl (◎▼◎)

Anything POC / Learning

Understanding 64 bits Windows 10 Shellcode (Calc.exe) - Part 1

Understanding 64 bits Windows 10 Shellcode (Calc.exe) - Part 1

In this part, we will see how basic shellcode works and how we move from the TEB structure to getting Kernel32.dll base address to getting WinExec's function pointer and popping calculator.

DudeLocker (Flare-on 2016) - RVA and Import Descriptors

DudeLocker (Flare-on 2016) - RVA and Import Descriptors

Learning how PE files get imported function names from headers. Cleared up concepts on Relative Virtual Address and learnt some Important data structures pertaining to imports.

Welcome to my Blog everyone !

Welcome to my Blog everyone !

A Welcome post. The first ever post.
